Hi there,

Welcome to the 7th edition of "State of anew sleep".

Every month I share snippets of what I (and the team) at anew sleep are working on.

Here's what happened.

Perfect tracking through GA4

When everything slows down in the summertime, you suddenly have all the time in the world to fix things that could always be better — like your tracking in GA4.

Truth be told, I’m not thrilled with GA4 — we’re not quite friends yet.

I miss the good old days of Universal Analytics. But I made a decision to get our tracking in order and fix it once and for all: and that’s exactly what we did.

We had up to 30% of our revenue attributed to “unassigned” in GA4, which made us second-guess all the data.

But with the help of Stape.io and a talented expert, we’ve gone from second-guessing to having 100% of our revenue tracked. On top of that, our share of unassigned revenue is now down to less than 5%.

Feels good.

Preparing for BFCM

You can never start preparing for Black Week too early. It’s essential to think ahead and plan accordingly. As advertising costs rise during this period, it’s a no-brainer to leverage channels like:
- Email marketing
- Affiliate marketing

For us, this means:

  • Gaining more signups for our newsletter (we’re currently allocating a significant budget towards lead ads)
  • Setting up “Black Friday” and “Black Week” landing pages tailored to our niche
  • Coordinating efforts with our biggest affiliate partners for a major push in Q4

Last year, we generated over 30% of our revenue in Q4 through non-Facebook and non-Google channels, and I expect that number to be even higher this year.


Thanks for reading so far. I will be doing this every month. If there's something specific you want to hear about in these updates: Shoot me a message on LinkedIn.

See you in a month.

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